group of senior doing tai chi


Tai Chi is the best exercise method that meets all of the body’s physical, mental, and emotional requirements. As a total body nurturing system, it supports the body’s internal health in three ways:

  1. Improves memory, strength, flexibility, posture, balance, enhances performance, and increases the body’s energy levels.
  2. Enhances the heart, circulatory, and immune system, alleviates pain, and lifts mood and attitude.
  3. Relieves stress, emotional pressure, and nervousness and allows the mind and body to relax.

Tai chi improves focus, proprioception, and reaction time and can help you to achieve any goal. Tai Chi also promotes lower body muscle strength and flexibility making it easier to avoid falling. It is the perfect exercise for keeping people functionally and physically fit their whole life.

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For more information, please Contact Us online or call us at 408-315-6690.